Bigbig SORRY to Stxq :x
My Beautiful White.chocolate.
Sorry :Xx
180110 ;
Bag was heavy , cause of the art material . i have all of them . :)) . i take two A3 black file and A3 drawing block on my hand , luckily got Papa , if not i diedie . Huizhen;Dear help me take on of them, thnthn , trained down meet baoyan .
Get school , was all crapish again , i think . Mrsloh said i should have a hair cut , Yah .
thnthn , go up to class , science . I got do my homework :)) . thn Art , call Darren help me take all the art material , my hand was too free , so i go kpo Darren' artbag . I called him housewife :Xx. Art was okay , my painting was nice , butbut Berner made my water container so dirty . Hais.
Recess , left with 5min . no one have a proper meal , i think .Went up to level three fer health check . Girls is after Guys , so we walk here walk ther , get to change at level 3 toliet , Checked . Back to Class for math lesson .Good Good , XuanPing give the answer only one correct ! thn its was Geo Lesson , SHhhhhhhhh , Its sercet cant tell you .:Xx
Thn all sec2 down to hall fer camp thingy . after tht , go locker . Thn down to Nichole's house area Coffee shop eat , Mmm Coke Zero .okay , thn im homed alone . )):
I dont really like to take bus alone :Xx
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