I will made changes./
Hongster SUX!
BlueBlack Sux!
160110 ;
Morning , wake use com .Bath , Change .Go down to eat laksa ,thn walk up walk down .Time is coming .wait yahui come meet me .thnthn we go cc report .thnthn go back mummy shop take my bag .go back cc again , Stone ther .Faster take th stupid bursary ,run back to mummy shop ,brother want me to buy food fer him ,Buy thn walk home .Give him eat , thn bath , change , down to mummy ther again , say byebye ,
Bused down cck , Trained down batok meet Stxq and Lht .
"Stupid while waiting two of them come up , Beside me have two malay guy , looked and laughs.Wtf ! feel like asking what wrong with them !"
Finally , both of them have come.train are here and go in ..reach Boonlay , go jurong point , saw xiao yi ,ahwei korkor , cousin .after tht , went to Fairprice Xtra ,Three of us , look like aunties :xwe all finding the size of shirt we wanted.Founded , Paid , lets go .go interchange find bus go Imm . no bus leys , Go take train luhs.walk very far man ! so tiring , help Choc take her stupid bag , so heavy lor !walk around t find stxq's crocs shoes. Seriously no nice wat . Went to buy my anderson Icecream , i eat Cookies and Cream , Yumyum. ! thnthn , go in giant walkwalk , i going to aim my converse bag , damn chio :x
Cab down west mall , walk around again , three of us buy 5 tees , went to see stxq's Swimsuit , so we get in
tom and stephanie , i saw a baby bag ! so cute Frog one still got manymany . :x No have nice swimsuit , so dont want , we all monday thn buy Camp things. Okay thn , lets go slack , Time checked , 6 plus . walk to Batok sec ther , gotta slack . Have some picture , i will post one days after days lah , :x want see go
see luhs , slack at some stone table , thn walk to busstop , leg tired so sit ther , from 6plus until 7 bah ? go busstop slack until 7.30 bused down batok inter , train home (: . Get to cck , go interchange wait my bus . Finally , get on and drop down walk to mummy ther , cousin came , so go have meal with them :D yumm. Pick up stxq calls , call me asshole faster get home , send her the foto . Very noisy hor she .
"You must be blind if you cant see
You'll miss me to the day you die!"
- Ke$he Blind .
I need a hug from you
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