They love me .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

# 282 entry .

4 in 1 :D

090510 ,
Mummy birthday ; Mother's day .

so happy , passed her the present and
she smile uncovered .

100510 ,
Waited .
Aimed to faster go lbrary finish up my art .
late for mac breakfast ,
and eat Crystal jade to replaced it .
thn , get on way to library ,
find a corner and start on drawing like a artist .
thn security call me go away cannot sit on floor .
thn i go eat swenson icecream ..
Sticky Chewry Chocolate :D

110510 ,
after art , damn free . brain so relax .
Drink cup of STAR BUCKS.
thn go watch IRON MAN 2 .
so nice , thn go eat subway .
thn train home .

120510 ,
D&T paper . cool .
buy bubble tea w/ nuer and ben they all .
hweewen very kpo ley , nagnagnag,
more nagging thn my mother!
thn i go eat my kfc breakfast .
and IP MAN for today .

Ttl feel very fuck now !

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